Abortion isn’t the Point

David Richardson
2 min readMay 11, 2022

MAGA wants the clock turned a lot further back

This is nothing new in the MAGAverse. Abortion haters have been telling an incredible volume of lies. Truth and reality have vanished completely in their fight to own women outright. You could even be forgiven for thinking that the abortion fight was their real battle.

Perhaps the biggest clue to the actual intent of the MAGA sorts is Tucker Carlson. If you strip away all his bullshit, you get the feudal middle ages in Europe. The only people with any human rights were the lords, the white men with all the money and power. Women? Nope, except one or two that slept with the right guys. Poor? Hah! Blacks didn’t exist in that Europe, and LGBT, well … whazzat? Humanity was for rich white males only.

The fact that this MAGAverse ideal never existed isn’t relevant. Killing poverty even at the top of the food chain isn’t part of their dream. The plagues that devastated the population don’t matter. The fact that living conditions for “regular people” improved only when the feudal system collapsed is lost on them. Reality doesn’t have anything to do with their fairy tale fantasies.

So we are on the cusp of stripping away the only protections women have. Their bodies are about to become the property of the state governments where they live. The next dominoes to fall? Women’s suffrage? LGBTQ rights? A couple’s right to sleep together and interracial marriages? Freedom of religion?

The Constitution and laws of the United States are disappearing. The entire recent history of human rights is on the verge of destruction. MAGA’s thinly disguised hatred of everything not straight, white, and male is killing us. The con artistry of the religious right has created people who would vote for this insanity.

The MAGAverse will never be happy with less than the total destruction of civilization. They know that modern reality is coming for their fairy tales. Religious madness is already losing out to reality, and they have to turn the clock back on that. They are fighting a rear-guard action that they can’t afford to lose. If they fail, they have to become responsible adults to survive. The orange toddler gave them hope that they could avoid that.

If the United States survives this madness, we will have a long way back to rebuild.



David Richardson

Semi-retired Engineer, Humanist, Human being. I read because I need inputs, I write because I think, and that needs outlets. What happens between is … ME.